Recurring Nosebleeds May Require Medical Intervention

A nosebleed may not be a medical emergency, but as a parent, it is a scenario that causes concern about the health of your child. For children that experience frequent nosebleeds, the level of concern is only elevated. To calm your fears and to ensure you know how best to care for your child, it is a good idea to understand how to handle nosebleeds and when to seek help.

An Absence of Trauma Is a Red Flag

If your child has a nosebleed, it is a good idea to think about any recent trauma, and not just severe trauma. The blood vessels that line that nose are very sensitive. As a result, any injury to the nose, such as from a fall, blowing the nose aggressively, or a scenario where there is a foreign object in the nose, such as a toy, can irritate the blood vessels and cause a nosebleed. 

If your child experiences any form of trauma before the nosebleed, the incident is likely to blame. However, if your child has a nosebleed without trauma, it is best to look at the matter more closely. 

Pay Attention to the Temperature

If your child has a nosebleed with the absence of trauma or the nosebleeds are frequent, it may be worth paying attention to the weather. If the nosebleeds typically occur during the winter, the colder, dry temperatures may be to blame. 

Dry air thins the protective mucus layer that covers the nasal passages, which causes irritation and increases the nosebleed risk. Speaking to your child's doctor about a prescription saline spray or installing a humidifier in your child's room can help minimize this dryness.

An ENT May Be Able to Help

If none of your efforts seem to work and there is no visible explanation for the recurring nosebleeds with your child, you may want to speak with an ear, nose, and throat specialist, known as an ENT. 

Sometimes, nosebleeds are the result of an underlying medical condition, such as overactive blood vessels in the nose. In this case, certain procedures can be performed to correct the concern. Whatever the underlying cause, a medical professional can get to the bottom of it and prescribe the necessary treatment. 

Keep in mind, if you have a concern about your child's nosebleeds, speak with a physician. There is no threshold that you have to reach. If you have a concern, a medical professional will be more than happy to help address you and your child's needs. 

For more information, contact a pediatric ENT service in your area.

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Ears, Nose, and Throat: A Website

Your ears, nose, and throat are more connected than you might think. Often, ailments that you assume are isolated to one of these body parts impact another part. For instance, an ear infection may actually have originated in your sinuses. Thankfully, ear, nose, and throat doctors specialize in treating all three of these body parts, enabling them to diagnose and treat a wide range of ailments. If you're struggling with headaches, ear pain, a sore throat, or nasal congestion, this is the type of doctor you should see. We also recommend exploring this website to learn more about the various conditions these doctors treat and how they treat them.


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