A sinus infection can make you feel miserable. Fortunately, most infections clear up when your cold goes away. However, chronic sinusitis is different. It can last for months and not clear up even when you take treatments for it. A sinus doctor can help you get a chronic sinus problem under control by uncovering the cause and treating it to eliminate your condition. Here are symptoms of chronic sinusitis and treatments your doctor might recommend.
- Winter is coming. It's time to get ready for seasonal colds. This is especially true with regard to young kids. It's not uncommon for kids to get several colds throughout the cold and flu season. In most cases, your child will only need plenty of rest and fluids to recover from a seasonal cold. But, there are some health problems that require more than rest and fluids. Some of those issues need a trip to the pediatric ENT doctor.
- A nosebleed may not be a medical emergency, but as a parent, it is a scenario that causes concern about the health of your child. For children that experience frequent nosebleeds, the level of concern is only elevated. To calm your fears and to ensure you know how best to care for your child, it is a good idea to understand how to handle nosebleeds and when to seek help.
- Are you tired of having to reach for over-the-counter medications to keep your allergy symptoms under control throughout the year? Here's why you should stop focusing on those over-the-counter meds and instead get tested for allergies for better allergy treatment and care. Determine the Exact Cause Taking over-the-counter medication may help get rid of your allergy symptoms temporarily. But you can expect those symptoms to come back once the medication starts wearing off.
- Obstructive sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder where the muscles within the throat relax too much when a person is asleep, blocking their airway and interrupting breathing. Ceasing to breathe while sleeping can be very serious, so if you have any of the signs of symptoms of sleep apnea, it is important to see a doctor. A doctor who specializes in sleep apnea will have you do a sleep study to determine if you do have sleep apnea.